Our Second Annual Christmas Party!
On December 9, 2021, the 166 Hughes Hoes hosted their second annual Christmas party. The theme, of course, was ugly sweaters, and the guests didn't disappoint. Let's take everyone back to the start of the day though, and set the scene. We had off of school (god bless Reading Day) and a few of the hoes plus two of the Irish lads we befriended this semester made a stop at Julia's home in Tonawanda to pick up trays and trays of food from her mother, Maria Barth. She had two huge things of baked macaroni, meatballs, sausage, a salad, bread, apple crisp, Nutella pie, and cookies for us. She makes the best homemade sauce, better than anything else you can find at a restaurant, like the true Italian she is. That night, we had a nice dinner with the roomies and the lads to celebrate the end of the semester. Annie said that the meal "completely changed the trajectory of her day," and good friend Thea (another Hughes Avenue resident, just down the street a bit) said that...