
Showing posts from December, 2022

Our Second Annual Christmas Party!

On December 9, 2021, the 166 Hughes Hoes hosted their second annual Christmas party. The theme, of course, was ugly sweaters, and the guests didn't disappoint.  Let's take everyone back to the start of the day though, and set the scene. We had off of school (god bless Reading Day) and a few of the hoes plus two of the Irish lads we befriended this semester made a stop at Julia's home in Tonawanda to pick up trays and trays of food from her mother, Maria Barth.  She had two huge things of baked macaroni, meatballs, sausage, a salad, bread, apple crisp, Nutella pie, and cookies for us. She makes the best homemade sauce, better than anything else you can find at a restaurant, like the true Italian she is.  That night, we had a nice dinner with the roomies and the lads to celebrate the end of the semester. Annie said that the meal "completely changed the trajectory of her day," and good friend Thea (another Hughes Avenue resident, just down the street a bit) said that...

Thesis Day 2022

Well readers, two of the hoes had their thesis defenses last week, and we wanted to take a moment to congratulate them both! Sam and Treya both worked extremely hard on their theses all semester long, with many late nights and early mornings doing back-breaking and eye-straining research. Lots of books were read, scholarly articles collected, and citations made. 30 pages (each) later, they had their masterpieces.  Treya's Presentation: "Why the Linear Life Cycle of Plastic Necessitates Change:  From One Health Perspective." Sam's Presentation: "Understanding Emily Dickinson:  An Exploration through her Poems and Letters." The gals reflected on their time spent on their theses. "It got a little scary towards the end when I realized I just had 30 pages of random stuff that didn't really fit together," Sam said. "I was so grateful that so many of my friends/roomies came. Super glad it's over and that I was able to fo something challenging...

The Hoes Conquered SantaCon 2022!!!

Buffalonians all know and love SantaCon. What's not to love? Dressing in Christmas clothes and getting violently drunk while bar-hopping on Chippewa is a great day to spend a Saturday!  Well, we did it, and not only did we just do it, but we slayed all the while. Six of the nine roomies took on this feat (Treya, Annie, and Bri were all dearly missed), and we can say now that we've experienced it, it was definitely something! Here's a brief recap of our day, pictures and videos included. Enjoy! We started out the day with a nice pregame at noon. It was post-USA loss to Netherlands in the World Cup, but we managed to rally despite our defeat. #ChristianPulisicMarryUs You know the day was going to go successfully when Lanie and Mackenzie were already very drunk before leaving the house. They were our good luck charms of the day. Got a few other cute pictures too. We made our way to the subway, and boy was it cold (and raining!). We had some random men take our picture while w...


Well readers, it's time to meet the roomies. We didn't think it would be right to post about our daily ups and downs without you knowing a little bit about each of us (all the important things).  Here are the questions that the roommates were asked by their highly dedicated, journalism major roommate :) 1. What's your favorite article of clothing you own? 2. What's one thing you always need the fridge? 3. Where do you see yourself in five years? 4. And one last question that all 9 roomies answered the same, you'll have to read to the end to see ;) Without further ado, here we are!                         THE LOWER: Annie 1. "My Budweiser racing jacket." 2. "A jar of baby dill pickles." 3. "Laying on a beach somewhere, unemployed (details of how to do this still up in the air-- maybe a rich husband or getting in on a class action lawsuit)." Julia 1. "I have a few because I can never pick one thing. My grandpa sweaters, my w...